There will be little cause for celebration at the Global Forum Against Anti-Semitism which opens Tuesday evening in Jerusalem. P
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                  There will be little cause for celebration at the Global Forum Against Anti-Semitism which opens Tuesday evening in Jerusalem. P


                  There will be little cause for celebration at the Global Forum Against Anti-Semitism which opens Tuesday evening in Jerusalem. Partly that's because in fighting Jew-hatred we have been misdirecting some of our energies.
                  Having been involved in ground-breaking international conferences held this year in Brussels, Berlin and New York, I appreciate how tempting it is to conclude that the tide has finally turned, that the battle is being won.
                  And, yes, there has been a sea change in the readiness of some governments to confront the advance of anti-Semitism in their societies. Until recently they were denying the problem existed at all. Now even European leaders have begun expressing alarm over