German leader: Iran should stop threats on Israel.
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                  German leader: Iran should stop threats on Israel.


                  The president of Germany's parliament used a speech commemorating victims of the Holocaust Monday to criticize an Iranian conference last year questioning the Nazis' slaughter of Jews, and to urge the EU to outlaw the denial of genocide.
                  "Statements that mean to deny or play down the terrifying historical truth of the Holocaust and thereby ridicule the victims of the Nazi dictatorship need to be made illegal," Norbert Lammert said.
                  Lammert, a prominent member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats, also echoed Germany's rejection of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's attacks on Israel's right to exist.
                  "Israel must be allowed to live - like its neighbors - within internationally recognized borders and free of fear, terror, and violence," Lammert said.
                  Parliamentary president Norbert Lammert urged that the lessons of the Holocaust must influence national policy, referring to recent remarks by Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in warning of the danger of anti-Semitism.
                  Lammert stressed that the need to commemorate the millions of Jews and other victims murdered by the Nazis will not diminish with time.
                  "We want to and we must continue to be prepared to learn from our history," Lammert said at a special session of parliament.
                  "The past weeks have shown us how much not only we Germans need this (Holocaust) Remembrance Day," Lammert said. "With dismay we were forced to accept that today even presidents insist on describing the Holocaust as a "myth" and go so far as to make anti-Semitic remarks."
                  Germany has joined other nations in expressing concern about Ahmadinejad's calling the Holocaust a "myth" and saying the Jewish state should be wiped off the map or moved to Germany or the United States.
