Movie Showing about Russian Fascists Hampered in Moscow
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                  Movie Showing about Russian Fascists Hampered in Moscow


                  Movie Showing about Russian Fascists Hampered in Moscow

                  A showing of the movie "Russia-88," about skinheads, which was going to be held in the "Rolan" movie theatre in Moscow, was canceled without an explanation of reasons.
                  According to the film director Paul Bardin, the decision to cancel the show was taken by the leadership of the cinema, not the "Kinoteatr.doc" festival organizers, who were going to show the movie. The director reported that, according to one version, skinheads were going to arrive at the show and arrange a provocation there.
                  "There was a bus with OMON near the cinema, and the representatives of various law enforcement agencies were present," said Bardin. However, according to the director, the ban did not come from them. Bardin also refuted the version according to which the show was canceled due to the lack of the copy of the film in the cinema. The director said that he personally was present in the room and
                  had a backup.
                  Bardin's movie speaks about young Russian fascists and is stylized per the videos they publish on the Internet. The director promised that despite the failure of the festival showing, the movie will be released in Russia.