Dmitriy Apartsev's Appointment as Director General of the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption Confirmed
Dmitriy Apartsev's Appointment as Director General of the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption Confirmed
Dmitriy Apartsev's appointment as Director General of the Israeli Ministry of Immigrant Absorption, which is a key post, has been confirmed. Thus, the unprecedented situation has arisen when two highest posts of the Ministry occupied with the problems of repatriates have been held by repatriates coming from the former Soviet Union countries (Sofa Landver, a Knesset member from Yisrael Beiteinu Party (Hebrew: Israel is Our Home) has been confirmed as
Minister of Immigrant Absorption).
Dmitriy Apartsev, one of the most successful JAFI emissaries in the recent past, headed the Representative Office of this organization in Dnepropetrovsk.
Before his mission he had achieved considerable success in Israel, namely he had been elected a deputy mayor of Katzrim, the administrative centre of the Golan Heights in the north-east of the country.
Now, all departments, offices and administrations of the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption are directly subject to Dmitriy Apartsev including the Department of Labour and Employment, the Department of Housing Construction, the Centre of Absorption in Science, the Department of Integration in Society, the Office of Student Affairs, the Department for Business Initiative Support, the Department
of Giyur as well as the structure dealing with absorption of Israelis who have returned to the homeland and absorption of repatriates from Ethiopia.