Rabbinical Centre of Europe congratulates Francois Hollande on his presidential election
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                  Rabbinical Centre of Europe congratulates Francois Hollande on his presidential election

                  Rabbinical Centre of Europe congratulates Francois Hollande on his presidential election


                  The Rabbinical Centre of Europe (RCE) congratulated Francois Hollande on his election Sunday as President of the France and wished him "every success for the next five years."
                  "We alert the president-elect on the resurgence of anti-Semitism and insecurity in Europe and France in particular and the need to vigorously fight it regardless of its origin,” said the organization dedicated to serving the needs of European Jewry, which represents over seven hundred rabbis and Jewish communities throughout the European continent.
                  "We express our deep concern about the growing intolerance of religious freedom in everyday life, respectful of republican values," it said in a press release.
