Jewish group in France denounces anti-Semitic remarks by presidential primary candidate of the center-right
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                  Jewish group in France denounces anti-Semitic remarks by presidential primary candidate of the center-right

                  Jewish group in France denounces anti-Semitic remarks by presidential primary candidate of the center-right

                  20.10.2016, Jews and Society

                  CRIF, the umbrella representative group of Jewish organisations in France, firmly condemned ‘’nauseating’’ remarks by Jean-Frederic Poisson, a candidate for the French center-righ wing party presidential primary, who stated that “Hillary Clinton’s support among Wall Street financial giants and her submission to Zionist lobbies are dangerous for both Europe and France.”

                  The little known candidate for the presidential primary made the comments in an interview with French regional daily Nice Matin.

                  He also stated that Hillary Clinton “was the worst Democrat candidate and that both Obama’s mandates have been dramatic.”

                  CRIF President Francis Kalifat called Poisson’s remarks ‘’not only insidiously anti-Semitic but also in line with conspiracy theories that are the stock in trade of the most violent extremism.”

                  CRIF asked the organizing committee for the party’s primaries ‘’to take a sanction proportionate to the gravity of those disgusting comments.’’

                  According to CRIF, the candidate does no longer fit in the right- and centre-wing primaries since his statements embrace Alain Soral or Dieudonné’s theories, two well-known figures of the anti-Semitic extreme right in France.
