CRIF criticizes 'excessive remarks' by Israeli Defense Minister Lieberman on French Jews
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                  CRIF criticizes 'excessive remarks' by Israeli Defense Minister Lieberman on French Jews

                  CRIF criticizes 'excessive remarks' by Israeli Defense Minister Lieberman on French Jews

                  28.12.2016, Jews and Society

                  CRIF, the representative umbrella group of French Jewish institutions, said remarks made by Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman about the Jews of France ‘’are excessive and inaccurate historically.’’

                  Lieberman on Monday called on French Jews to leave their country to protest a Paris-hosted conference planned for January aimed at restarting Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

                  Speaking at a meeting of his right-wing Yisrael Beiteinu party, Lieberman reportedly said: "Perhaps it's time to tell the Jews of France, 'This isn't your country, this isn't your land. Leave France and come to Israel'."

                  Mentioning the recent terror attacks in France, he added : ‘’That's the only response to this plot,’’ in a reference to the planned conference which is scheduled to be held on January 15 in Paris with the participation of representatives from 70 countries.

                  Calling the planned Mideast conference a new ‘’Dreyfus trial’’, he told the Jews of France : ‘’If you want to remain Jews and keep your children and grandchildren Jewish, leave France and make aliyah to Israel." Lieberman said.

                  In a reaction, CRIF issued a statement in which it recalls that ‘’the Jews have been in France for more than 2000 years and that they acquired full citizenship in 1791.’’

                  ‘’The CRIF regrets that these clumsy statements can play the anti-Semitic game of all sides and participate in a disinformation about the attachment of French Jews to the Republic,’’ the statement adds.

                  According to Francis Kalifat, President of CRIF, "the mission of the CRIF remains to ensure that the Jews continue to live fully their Judaism and their identity in France in safety and serenity."

                  In his remarks, Lieberman also criticized the timing of the Paris-hosted conference, which will be held shortly before French presidential elections. "With France going to elections soon, this is not the time for a peace summit," he was quoted as saying. "This conference is a tribunal against the State of Israel."

                  He added: "This summit's entire purpose is to undermine the State of Israel's security and tarnish its good name."

                  Lieberman also pointed to France's recent votes against Israel at international organizations recently, saying "it adds to the difficult climate that exists in France anyway against Jews.

                  The Israeli government has repeatedly stated in recent months that it would not participate in the conference initiated by France, instead calling for direct talks with the Palestinians.
