World Jewish News
Israeli parties "struggle" for Russian street.
22.12.2002 Israeli parties strengthen the "struggle" for Russian street. Especially it concerns such parties as "Shinuy" and MEREC, battling for democracy and against religious dictatorship.
"Shinuy" is going out in the nearest future with the following slogan in Russian: "It is a pity to vote for "Likud" - all the same it will win, it is a pity to vote for "Avoda" - all the same it will lose". According to the "Shinuy" coordinator on Russian street, Igal Yasinov, MEREC: 20 percent of the budget is given to propagation in Russian.
This party is going to concentrate on slogans about detaching religion from the state. It has already appeared with pre-election campaign and the slogan: "all of us are Israelis".
Here the "Russian headquarters" is headed by the leader of the "Democratic choice" party - the deputy of the Knesset, Roman Bronfman.