EAJC Statement on Revisionist Conference in Iran
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                  EAJC Statement on Revisionist Conference in Iran

                  On the 11th of December, 2006, a conference opened in Teheran. One of its announced aims was to attempt a revision of the Catastrophe of European Jewry that took place during the World War II years. The impartiality of the participants of this event in a discussion of the announced topic elicits serious doubt, especially considering that the conference is taking place under the aegis of the government of Iran, the leader of which, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has on numerous occasions publicly denied the very fact of the Holocaust.

                  The statements of the Iranian leader reflect his adoption of unabashedly anti-Semitic positions, since Ahmadinejad uses the denial of the Catastrophe to deny the existence of the Jewish State of Israel.

                  Nobody has the right to mock the memory of 6 million of our compatriots, nor to commit their martyrdom to oblivion for their own political benefit. We would like to remind all that should Hitler's forces have won, Iran would have faced the same fate as Germany's neighbors, which lost their statehood in those years while slogans of liberation for the “Aryan people” of Europe resounded.

                  The militant revisionism of official Teheran opposes the principles of world and traditional national religions, including Islam, the creed of Iranians.

                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), which unites Jewish communities and organizations of three continents, calls for the global community to condemn the latest attempt of Ahmadinejad to try on Hitler's uniform. We address the people Iran to follow the same peaceful principle in the dialogue with Israel that the relationship of these two states had in the times of the Prophets, venerated in both Judaism and Islam.

                  Alexander Mashkevich,

                  President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress,
                  President of the Jewish Congress of Kazakhstan;

                  Michael Chlenov,

                  Secretary General of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress,
                  President of VAAD Russia;

                  Josef Zisels,

                  Chairman of the General Assembly of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress,
                  Chairman of VAAD Ukraine.